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Worship & Music...

As the body of Christ, 


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Worship Services
  • Sunday Worship is "relaxed traditional" and includes hymns, scripture readings, and teaching time based on the Revised Common Lectionary. The 45-minute service is held in our spacious Sanctuary. Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month and on liturgically significant days.

  • Combined Mid-Week Services are held each Wednesday during Lent alternating between St. John's and St. Mark's UCC, Cressona. The informal 40-minute service includes singing, prayers, and a brief message.

  • The Mite Family Room is located at the rear of the Sanctuary for those with young children or anyone having difficulty sitting for an extended period of time. 

  • Online Services are available through our website, Facebook page, and YouTube for those who prefer to worship virtually

Our Music Ministries
  • Chancel Singers - 1st & 3rd Sunday @ 8:00AM / Chapel

The Chancel Singers present anthems during worship about twice each month. The group is open to those able to sing on pitch and follow basic music direction.

  • Joyful Ringers - 1st & 3rd Sunday @ 10:00AM / Sanctuary

Our bell choir plays about once per month using 3 octaves of Malmark Handbells and Choirchimes. Some basic music experience is helpful but not necessary.

  • WAM Team - 2nd Tuesday @ 4:30PM / Conference

The Worship & Music Team coordinates details related to our worship services and music program, including caring for our instruments and extensive music library. 

  • Altar Guild - Meets as needed

The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of the altar-ware, paraments, vestments, and flowers, as well as preparing the elements for each Communion service. â€‹


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