Worship & Music...
As the body of Christ,
Worship Services
Sunday Worship is "relaxed traditional" and includes hymns, scripture readings, and teaching based on the Revised Common Lectionary. The hour long service is held in our spacious Sanctuary. Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month and on liturgically significant days.
Combined Mid-Week Services are held each Wednesday during Lent alternating between St. John's and St. Mark's UCC, Cressona. The informal 40-minute service includes singing, prayers, and a brief message.
The Mite Family Room is located at the rear of the Sanctuary for those with young children or anyone having difficulty sitting for an extended period of time.
Online Services are available through our website, Facebook page, and YouTube for those who prefer to worship virtually.
Music Ministries
Chancel Singers - 1st & 3rd Sunday @ 8:00AM / Chapel
The Chancel Singers present anthems during worship about twice each month. The group is open to those able to sing on pitch and follow basic music direction..
Joyful Ringers - 1st & 3rd Sunday @ 10:00AM / Sanctuary
Our bell choir plays about once per month using 3 octaves of Malmark Handbells and Choirchimes. Some basic music experience is helpful but not necessary.
WAM Team - 2nd Tuesday @ 4:30PM / Conference
The Worship & Music Team coordinates details related to our worship services and music program, including caring for our instruments and extensive music library.
Altar Guild - Meets as needed
The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of the altar-ware, paraments, vestments, and flowers, as well as preparing the elements for each Communion service. ​​