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This Week
@ Saint John's

TUESDAY  |  February 18

    9:30AM-3:00PM Church Office

THURSDAY  |  February 20

    9:30AM-3:00PM Church Office

    10:30AM SEEDS Weight Loss

SUNDAY  |  February 23

Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

    9:00AM Worship Service

Scott Jacoby, Worship Leader

    10:00AM Sunday School

TUESDAY  |  February 25

    6:00PM Consistory Meeting 

SATURDAY  |  March 01

Women's Luncheon

Visitors are always welcome!

Services & Events

SUNDAY  |  March 02

Transfiguration Of The Lord

    8:00AM Chancel Singers

    9:00AM Holy Communion Service

Rev. Mark Dewald, Worship Leader

    10:00AM Joyful Ringers

WEDNESDAY  |  March 05

Ash Wednesday

    6:00PM Combined Choirs

    6:30PM Combined Service

Rev. Karl Jones, Worship Leader

SUNDAY  |  March 09

First Sunday In Lent

    8:30AM Coffee & Conversation

    9:00AM Holy Communion Service

Rev. Kevin McLemore, Worship Leader

    10:00AM Sunday School

click image for
February 16 Worship Service
click image for
February 09 Worship Service
click image for
February 02 Communion Service

We invite you

to worship with us!

  • PARKING - A small parking lot is located next to the church and can be accessed from River Street, which runs behind the church building. Ample on-street parking can also be found on East Main Street and Dock Street.

  • ENTERING THE CHURCH - You may use either entrance doors on the front of the building. Once inside, you will find a friendly greeter who will direct you to the Sanctuary, which is located on Level Two (or the Chapel on Level One if our service is being held there). If you need the elevator, they will assist you. Restrooms are located on the Ground Level.

  • ENTERING THE SANCTUARY - An usher will give you a worship bulletin to guide you through the service. Children's activity bags are also available. Offering plates are located on a stand inside each Sanctuary entrance (or just outside the Chapel).

  • DURING THE SERVICE - Please be mindful that the service is being recorded for those who are viewing online. If we are celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the elements (bread and wine/juice) will be distributed by the ushers. The Mite Family Room is available in the rear of the Sanctuary for those who have difficulty sitting for longer periods of time. 

  • LEAVING THE SANCTUARY - At the end of the service, you may spend a few moments in prayerful reflection during the postlude music or exit using either of the stairwells. If you need the elevator, an usher will assist you.



February 2025

Lisa Revenis_edited.png


If, then, there is any comfort in Christ, any consolation from love,

any partnership in the Spirit, any tender affection and sympathy,

make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love,

being in full accord and of one mind.

~ Philippians 2: 1-2        


This is the theme that the four Pennsylvania Conferences have chosen as we prepare to become one new Keystone Conference in 2026. Years of research and planning have shown that this is the best path forward for the United Church of Christ in Pennsylvania and it was overwhelming approved by the delegates of all four conferences at their annual meetings in November, 2024.

"Stronger Together" has also been our unofficial theme over the last five years as Saint John's and Saint Mark's  determined that sharing a Pastor was a positive move for both congregations, both financially and spiritually. 

And in 2025, the belief that we are stronger together continues as we search for a new pastor. But beyond the search process, Saint John's and Saint Mark's continue to look for ways that we can support each other in shared ministry. We enjoy special worship services together. Some of our teams and committees have met together. We support each other's fundraisers and outreach ministries. Saint John's and Saint Mark's have become examples of "stronger together" for the Schuylkill Association, Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, and even other congregations in our community.  

The Worship & Music Teams from both churches met recently to plan this year's Lenten & Easter services. Some of those services will be together, alternating locations. Others will be in each congregation's home church to reflect our own traditions but will be scheduled to allow members of both churches to attend.

As we move into the Lenten & Easter season, let us continue to show that we are stronger together in a world that is often divided.   

Lisa Revenis

Consistory President


Church Phone

Church Office Email

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Worship Service
Sundays  9:00AM

Church Office Hours 
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30AM-3:00PM
Church Address
121 East Main Street, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972

© 2025 Saint John's United Church of Christ, Schuylkill Haven, PA.   Created with WIX.

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